TopContracts – Contracts Management System

TopContracts – Contracts Management System

Manage contracts (and any other data-items with similar requirements) with ease: get daily Email-Alerts, enter/view data with digital-forms, generate Excel reports with links, etc...

about the product


Almost every business operation is based on a “contract” of some kind. Do your employees “manage contracts” as part of their day-to-day work examples? Management of contract validity, validity of guarantees and insurances, termination of warranty and service, periodic reviews, and report


  • Save time for employees:Inaccessibility of contracts causes employees to perform idle actions, such as searching for documents, re-reading legal wordings, etc. Software management makes their contracts and concise information accessible.
  • Using years of knowledge and experience:Every new contract you draft, is built with new terms that are lessons learned from contractual events that have harmed you in the past. Using and using this knowledge protects the business and saves it costs.
  • Avoid dangerous mines with a rigid schedule:Failure to address them can result in huge financial expenses and even criminal sanctions
  • Utilizing the benefits we have achieved through strenuous negotiations:We have worked so hard to get these benefits, and will not take advantage of them? Benefits have an expiration date: if we do not respond in time – we will lose them


The core of the system includes filing / labeling capabilities, document management, electronic forms for input and display, access management, and search engines for quick detection.
Beyond the core, the system includes a large number of advanced modules.

  • Not just a system; Expert solution:We will provide you with both the system, and optimal methods for managing contracts through it: Assembly company and will help you analyze the contracts and enter them into the system in a way that will generate the most value for the business, with a minimum investment in operations.
  • The system includes dozens of ready-made templates:Contract templates of various types, based on accumulated knowledge, are ready for immediate work.
  • Generates digital forms for contracts, for organized and concise presentation, and easy reception that encourages effective management, including advanced management of related files: Quick and easy creation of a “computerized contract” with fast input and concise display
  • Email alerts with performance tracking: Track important contract dates (“events”) via email alerts
  • Finding contracts using plain text and also using advanced parameter queries:Finding contracts based on advanced queries
  • Generating reports for Excel: Export contract data to Excel files, based on editable templates, from a number of design “families”, including scheduled automated reports
  • Dashboard: Graphical presentation of analyzed contract data, customized for each employee

MODULES: Additional advanced modules of your choice (optional)

  • Certificate Management and Version Management Module, for attachments: Approval of documents by several factors in the organization, from within the system
  • Extended Permissions Module: Defining unlimited positions, assigning each employee to one or more positions; Determining authorization for contracts by position and not by name; Blocking certain fields from viewing or editing by role …
  • Contract and document generator module: Creating documents (letters, reports, contracts, etc.) by merging contract data from the system
  • OUTLOOK connection bar – for e-mail filing:Simple filing of emails in contracts for which they were sent; Quick retrieval of district files, for attachment to email
  • Active Directory Sync Extension: Synchronize the list of employees in the system with the employee database managed in Active Directory
  • File search module in files:Finding contracts based on text that appears in their attachments
  • Designer” module:Make adjustments independently, without code, in contract / report templates, catalogs and indicators
  • Multilingual module: Using multiple interface languages simultaneously (for international companies)
  • “Key” module (SDK):Make adjustments that require coding independently: rules, other interfaces, etc.

Product screenshots